Schellenberg Wittmer advised OBI on the takeover of the OBI stores from Migros. As part of this transaction, the OBI Group is taking over the OBI stores in Switzerland previously managed by the franchise partner Migros, including an additional new location in Ticino. In addition, the company is expanding through the takeover of the two large Do it + Garden stores in Western Switzerland.
Our team consisted of Oliver Triebold, Elia Schunck, Michael Erben, Jonas Rahm and Maya Melles (all Corporate/M&A), Josef Caleff and Klaudia Bibaj (both Real Estate), Michael Hess, Petra Spring and Ruba Kassem (all Employment), Michael Nordin, Roland Wild and Tabea Bänteli (all Tax), David Mamane and Amalie Wijesundera (both Competition) and Philipp Groz (IP).